Welcome to Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Chapel of Ruston
2508 Kavanaugh Road
Ruston, Louisiana
Driving directions: from I-20 exit 84
go north one mile, cross 4-way stop,
north 300 ft.

2508 Kavanaugh Road
Ruston, Louisiana
Driving directions: from I-20 exit 84
go north one mile, cross 4-way stop,
north 300 ft.
A chapel under the canonical jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Metropolis of Denver
The Orthodox Church around the world is the living continuation of the ancient Christian Churches established by the Apostles. Its worship is virtually unchanged since the beginning, using the original Greek of the New Testament as well as the local language of its worshippers. At Holy Trinity, English is used primarily.
Holy Trinity is served by Rev. Father Ioanni Krokos, proistamenos of St. George Greek Orthodox Church of Shreveport, of which Holy Trinity is a dependency.
...Is the service in English?
Yes, but you will also hear the original Biblical Greek as well as prayers in other languages
...Who may attend?
Anyone. Holy Communion is reserved for Orthodox Christians who have prepared. Please dress appropriately.
May I bring children?
Yes. Children are a blessing and they learn quickly to participate in the Service.
...How may I learn more about the Orthodox Christian faith?
There are pamphlets and books available in the church. Please visit with the priest after Liturgy.
Liturgical Services
Saturday, February 1
Orthros 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy 10:00 AM
Rev. Father Ioanni Krokos, Celebrant
Rev. Deacon Phillip Thompson
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Ruston
2500 Tanglewood Dr., 2508 Kavanaugh Rd., Ruston, LA 71270, us